Friday, January 9, 2009

Will Ferrell is Super God.

Slight Preface, I'm watching Blades of Glory, and this has sprung from it.

C: Will Ferrell is now Humping the Air next to Jon Heder, and Will is wearing nothing but a towel.......... BLECH.
L: You should write books, that was sexy.
Oh, that's stolen content, though...
C: Haha.
K: will ferrell deserves death for exisisting
L: Well, it's no use, he'd just be ressurected in three days and rise to heaven. xD
K: then he should die again... in heaven
L: I don't think that'd happen. What with him being immortal afterwards.
C: But according to the logic of "American Dad." If you die in Heaven you get a second chance on earth.
K: i'd find away... will ferrelll deserves death.... even if he is immortal
L: But according to me, American Dad isn't as good as Family Guy. Though it's still kinda good.
And then it'd just be an endless cycle of Will Ferrel returning between Earth and Heaven until he becomes God.
C: Either into God or Super-God.
L: We'd alll have to call him... Night Hawk.
C: And he Would Rule the World with an Iron Fro.
will ferrell god? what has the world come to?!!?!?!?!?
L: A better Place.
K: how could you say that? it's will ferrell for the love of god!
L: Uh, yeah, exactly.
Stop saying his name so much, you'll make me orgasm
C: Ahhh Too Late!

For the Love of God. Since God will soon be Will Ferrell, Uber Love FOR god.
K: now, that's just beyond wrong!
L: But it feels so right... I'm gonna change my pants anyways, though.
C: Good Idea.
K: if will ferrell ever became god i would shoot myself in the face, no joke
C: OOh Now Will Ferrell is Touching Joh Heders body!
L: Hey! you can be the first sacrifice for Will Ferrel!
C: We can Build His undead army with you as the first Zombie slave!
!!!!! i rather be road kill!
C: We could use some road Kill as Projectiles.
L: The roadkill will help spread the zombie disease to mass the army.
now you're just going out of your way, i will not be projectiles for will ferrell's undead army, i have standards
Lucas How do we convince her to join the cause?
K: two words, you can't
L: We can't convince Kim... but we don't NEED to convince ZOMBIE Kim!
C: So We meet at her location with swords and nunchucks?
K: and how exactly do you intend to make me a zombie? i'm not as stupid as i look
L: Uh, making a zombie bite or scratch you? Honestly, do you not watch tv?
K: do you think i'm just gonna run up to the zombie and give a big warm hug and be all like, let's be bffs?
C: No We bring him to You and throw him at you.
K: as much as i hate to admit it, i'm so uncoordinated, it just might work
C: HAH! Success!
K: but, btw, zombie kim is gonna be a bitch
K: and success only because i'm not coordinatd enough to defend myself
L: -high five to Cory- We win. Will Ferrel is Super-God.